Autistic yuri
Autistic yuri
Layla about to go for a swim!
In sulfuric acid.
I smelled Kingdom Hearts
very good sense of smell! but how good..?
Five nights at yoshi's
Ok that's funny!
Who would want to kill Rosie? :(
Long story
I remember having more than a dozen angry bird plushies when i was a kid, i was crazy for these guys lol
Everyone in here Finland has had at least one Angry Birds plushie.
only a 7 out of 10 smh janet i thought we were friends (joke)
She seems like a cool person
she scares me
I really like the shading in this
Nice drawing Morkolli Ravioli
thank you noob j!
Pfp by @TheShokBlok
high school
Joined on 4/28/24